In Episode 2, Part 1 of #FiresideChatswithConceptProperties, we introduce you to our friend Ed Cumbo of Richardson & Cumbo, LLP and cover the following topics: 1. What is the truth about Non-Refundable Application Fees from real estate brokerages? 2. How quickly can you, the landlord, get a problem tenant out of the building? Stay tuned next week when we answer a question everyone knows is a tricky one: If the landlord says they’re going to do “X” and they don’t do “X” so the tenant stops paying rent… who’s in the wrong? #ConceptPropertiesRE #ConceptPropertiesBoston #RealEstateBoston

In Episode 2, Part 1 of #FiresideChatswithConceptProperties, we introduce you to our friend Ed Cumbo of Richardson & Cumbo, LLP and cover the following topics:

1. What is the truth about Non-Refundable Application Fees from real estate brokerages?

2. How quickly can you, the landlord, get a problem tenant out of the building?

Stay tuned next week when we answer a question everyone knows is a tricky one: If the landlord says they’re going to do “X” and they don’t do “X” so the tenant stops paying rent… who’s in the wrong?

#ConceptPropertiesRE #ConceptPropertiesBoston #RealEstateBoston

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